The Mayer kids have had a string of community service lately.

Mathilda played the violin with the honors orchestra for a packed house at the Lighthouse for the Blind, as part of a communtiy service “Heart and Soul” week at Lusher.
Mose helped Josh and I and lots of Peter Mayer employees mulch the trees in the “Peter Mayer grove” at City Park.
Mathilda and I donated our time at the Dragons Den, a soup kitchen at St. Georges’s Church, as part of the Heart and Soul week at Lusher. She was in charge of giving out only 1 cup cake each. (one for you, two for me?)
Mathilda was pooped and it showed as she participated in a “Fun Run” fundraiser that capped off the Lusher Heart and Soul week. She ran 8 laps around school. Mose ran 9.



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