Goodbye Keewaydin. See you next year!!!!

Josh picked up Mose from camp on Sat. Mose had an amazing time. He totally loved it and transitioned so well into camp life. The counselor in birding, pretty much let him run the class. He was in exploratories everyday and enjoyed kick ball, riflery, archery, swimming, boxing and canoeing. I can’t say enough great things about this camp. He came home so confident. And with Mose, a littleĀ confidence goes a very long way. Speaking of confidence. Josh got to pick up MJ and take her to get ice cream off campus. She’s enjoying dance, archery, diving and soccer. And seeing her brother. I go get her on the 20th.

Lake Dunmore, Salisbury, Vermont

Mose gets a bullseye.

At tent 2. Packing up.
The Keewaydin creed.
Goodbye formation and group hug.



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